No great good is ever wrought out for the human race without the suffering of great hearts.
 Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands (1854). copy citation

Author Harriet Beecher Stowe
Source Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands
Topic work heart
Date 1854
Language English


“It is touching to remember that one of the noblest men which England has ever produced now lies stricken under the heavy hand of disease, through a last labor of love in this cause. May God grant us all to feel that nothing is too dear or precious to be given in a work for which such men have lived, and labored, and suffered. No great good is ever wrought out for the human race without the suffering of great hearts. They who would serve their fellow-men are ever reminded that the Captain of their salvation was made perfect through suffering. I gratefully accept the offering confided to my care, and trust it may be so employed that the blessing of many "who are ready to perish"” source