What is so nice about you is that you are not cheerful.
 Marcel Proust, Swann's Way (1913). copy citation

Author Marcel Proust
Source Swann's Way
Date 1913
Language English
Note Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/7178/7178-h/7178-h.htm


“And when he heard the Princess say that life was a dreadful business, he felt as much comforted as if she had spoken to him of Odette. "Yes, life is a dreadful business! We must meet more often, my dear friend. What is so nice about you is that you are not cheerful. We could spend a most pleasant evening together." "I'm sure we could; why not come down to Guermantes? My mother-in-law would be wild with joy. It's supposed to be very ugly down there, but I must say, I find the neighborhood not at all unattractive;” source