We can't let such an inevitable thing as death stand in the way of enjoying life while we have it.
 F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tales of the Jazz Age (1922). copy citation

Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Source Tales of the Jazz Age
Topic death life
Date 1922
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/6695/pg6695-images.html


“burst out Kismine. "I never invited one. Jasmine did. And they always had a very good time. She'd give them the nicest presents toward the last. I shall probably have visitors too—I'll harden up to it. We can't let such an inevitable thing as death stand in the way of enjoying life while we have it. Think of how lonesome it'd be out here if we never had any one. Why, father and mother have sacrificed some of their best friends just as we have." "And so," cried John accusingly, "and so you were letting me make love to you and pretending to return it, and talking about marriage, all the time knowing perfectly well that I'd never get out of here alive—"” source