If the people never see such things as excite desire,
Their hearts will remain placid and undisturbed.
 Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching. copy citation

Author Lao Tzu
Source Tao Te Ching
Topic desire heart
Language English
Note Translated by Arthur Waley
Weblink https://terebess.hu/english/tao/waley.html


““persons of superior morality” (hsien) to put in power, There will be no more jealousies among the people. If we cease to set store by products that are hard to get, There will be no more thieves. If the people never see such things as excite desire, Their hearts will remain placid and undisturbed. Therefore the Sage rules By emptying their hearts And filling their hearts? Weakening their intelligence And toughening their sinews Ever striving to make the people knowledgeless and desireless.” source