Often people display a curious respect for a man drunk, rather like the respect of simple races for the insane.
 F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is the Night (1934). copy citation

Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Source Tender Is the Night
Topic respect
Date 1934
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks03/0301261h.html


“"You are the most--one of the most--" She was sorry, and rather revolted at his dirty hands, but she laughed in a well-bred way, as though it were nothing unusual to her to watch a man walking in a slow dream. Often people display a curious respect for a man drunk, rather like the respect of simple races for the insane. Respect rather than fear. There is something awe-inspiring in one who has lost all inhibitions, who will do anything. Of course we make him pay afterward for his moment of superiority, his moment of impressiveness.” source