Those who are ignorant of the truth whilst living, will be ignorant of it always.
 Anatole France, Thaïs (1890). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source Thaïs
Topic truth living
Date 1890
Language English
Note Translated by Robert B. Douglas


“Such is the obstinacy of these infidels, that, even in hell, they remain victims of the illusions which deluded them when on earth. Death has not undeceived them; for it is very plain that it does not suffice merely to die in order to see God. Those who are ignorant of the truth whilst living, will be ignorant of it always. The demons which are busy torturing these souls, what are they but agents of divine justice? That is why these souls neither see them nor feel them. They were ignorant of the truth, and therefore unaware of their own condemnation, and God Himself cannot compel them to suffer.” source