“ Those who know do not speak; Those who speak do not know. ”
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching (4th century BC). copy citation
Author | Lao Tzu |
Source | Tao Te Ching |
Topic | knowledge speech |
Date | 4th century BC |
Language | English |
Reference | |
Note | Translated by Arthur Waley |
Weblink | https://terebess.hu/english/tao/waley.html |
“If the heart makes calls upon the life-breath, rigidity follows. Whatever has a time of vigour also has a time of decay. Such things are against Tao, And whatever is against Tao is soon destroyed. up 56 Those who know do not speak; Those who speak do not know. Black the passages, Shut the doors, Let all sharpness be blunted, All tangles untied, All glare tempered. All dust smoothed. This is called the mysterious leveling. He who has achieved it cannot either be drawn into friendship or repelled,”