Morality is no longer a reflection of the conditions which make for the sound life and development of the people
 Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist (1895). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source The Antichrist
Topic morality development
Date 1895
Language English
Note Translated by Henry Louis Mencken


“and all other varieties of the denial of nature follow it. A god who demands—in place of a god who helps, who gives counsel, who is at bottom merely a name for every happy inspiration of courage and self-reliance.... Morality is no longer a reflection of the conditions which make for the sound life and development of the people; it is no longer the primary life-instinct; instead it has become abstract and in opposition to life—a fundamental perversion of the fancy, an “evil eye” on all things. What is Jewish, what is Christian morality?” source