To transform the world, to recreate it afresh, men must turn into another path psychologically.
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov (1880). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source The Brothers Karamazov
Topic path world
Date 1880
Language English
Note Translated by Constance Garnett


““You preach it and don't believe it yourself. Believe me, this dream, as you call it, will come to pass without doubt; it will come, but not now, for every process has its law. It's a spiritual, psychological process. To transform the world, to recreate it afresh, men must turn into another path psychologically. Until you have become really, in actual fact, [pg 336] a brother to every one, brotherhood will not come to pass. No sort of scientific teaching, no kind of common interest, will ever teach men to share property and privileges with equal consideration for all.” source