All good society is respectful, as it should be, to its masters
 Stendhal, The Charterhouse of Parma (1839). copy citation

Author Stendhal
Source The Charterhouse of Parma
Topic society master
Date 1839
Language English
Note Translated by Mary Loyd


“Is the King beloved?” “Most Serene Highness,” replied Fabrizio, without a moment’s hesitation, “as I passed along the streets I used to admire the excellent demeanour of the soldiers of his Majesty’s various regiments. All good society is respectful, as it should be, to its masters; but I confess I have never in my life permitted people of the lower class to speak to me of anything but the labour for which I pay them.” “The deuce!” thought the prince; “what a priestling! Here’s a well-trained bird!” source