If the man thinks he is being set at defiance he is capable of anything
 Stendhal, The Charterhouse of Parma (1839). copy citation

Author Stendhal
Source The Charterhouse of Parma
Topic defiance thought
Date 1839
Language English
Note Translated by Mary Loyd
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/57638/57638-h/57638-h.htm


“But in four hours of steady work I shall be able to give over a great many cash boxes. Let us go back, dear friend, and show off our ministerial conceit freely and unreservedly; it may be the last performance we shall give in this city. If the man thinks he is being set at defiance he is capable of anything; he will call that making an example! When all these people have [134] departed we will see about barricading you in for the night. Perhaps your best plan would be to start at once for your house at Sacca, near the Po, which has the advantage of being only half an hour’s journey from the Austrian states.”” source