The being you see before you is no court puppet, but a man.
 Stendhal, The Charterhouse of Parma (1839). copy citation

Author Stendhal
Source The Charterhouse of Parma
Topic court
Date 1839
Language English
Note Translated by Mary Loyd


“The next day, at the Ave Maria, he reappeared, disguised as a liveried servant. “I have not left Parma. I have heard a horrible thing which my lips shall never repeat—but here I am. Consider, madam, what it is that you refuse! The being you see before you is no court puppet, but a man.” He knelt as he spoke the words, as though to increase their weight, and added: “Yesterday I said to myself, ‘She wept in my presence, therefore she is a thought less wretched!’” “But, sir, think of the risks you are running.” source