The lover thinks oftener of reaching his mistress than the husband thinks of guarding his wife
 Stendhal, The Charterhouse of Parma (1839). copy citation

Author Stendhal
Source The Charterhouse of Parma
Topic husband wife
Date 1839
Language English
Note Translated by Mary Loyd


“Fabrizio had clearly realized this fact on the day of his entrance into the citadel, and Grillo, who, like every jailer, was fond of boasting about his prison, had re-explained the matter to him several times over. His hopes of escape were therefore very faint. Yet one of Father Blanès’s sayings lived in his memory: “The lover thinks oftener of reaching his mistress than the husband thinks of guarding his wife; the prisoner thinks more often of escape than the jailer thinks of locking the doors. Therefore, in spite of every obstacle, the lover and the prisoner are certain to succeed.” That evening Fabrizio distinctly heard a numerous party of men cross the iron bridge—called the” source