In a passionate heart, love is apt to exaggerate the very slightest things, and deduce consequences of the most ridiculous nature.
 Stendhal, The Charterhouse of Parma (1839). copy citation

Author Stendhal
Source The Charterhouse of Parma
Topic love consequences
Date 1839
Language English
Note Translated by Mary Loyd


“But, hard as he tried, he could not discover the rival whom his hungry glance sought on every side. Every instant the Fausta, after looking all round the church, would fix her eyes, heavy with love and happiness, on the dark corner in which M⸺ stood concealed. In a passionate heart, love is apt to exaggerate the very slightest things, and deduce consequences of the most ridiculous nature. Thus, poor M⸺ ended by persuading himself that the Fausta had caught sight of him, and that, having perceived his mortal jealousy, in spite of his desperate efforts to conceal it, she was seeking, by her tender glances, at once to reproach and to console him.” source