Every sensible man knows that it is useless to argue with any ordinary female upon matters he comprehends
 Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Coming Race (1871). copy citation

Author Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Source The Coming Race
Topic ordinary arguing
Date 1871
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1951/1951-h/1951-h.htm


“Faraday could have proved her a very shallow philosopher as to its extent or its causes, I had no doubt that Zee could have brained all the Fellows of the Royal Society, one after the other, with a blow of her fist. Every sensible man knows that it is useless to argue with any ordinary female upon matters he comprehends; but to argue with a Gy seven feet high upon the mysteries of vril,--as well argue in a desert, and with a simoon! Amid the various departments to which the vast building of the College of Sages was appropriated, that which interested me most was devoted to the archaeology of the Vril-ya, and comprised a very ancient collection of portraits.” source