Economic privation proceeds by easy stages, and so long as men suffer it patiently the outside world cares little.
 John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919). copy citation

Author John Maynard Keynes
Source The Economic Consequences of the Peace
Topic suffering care
Date 1919
Language English


“Yet they comprehend a vast territory and a great population, and are an extant example of how much man can suffer and how far society can decay. Above all, they are the signal to us of how in the final catastrophe the malady of the body passes over into malady of the mind. Economic privation proceeds by easy stages, and so long as men suffer it patiently the outside world cares little. Physical efficiency and resistance to disease slowly diminish, [156] but life proceeds somehow, until the limit of human endurance is reached at last and counsels of despair and madness stir the sufferers from the lethargy which precedes the crisis.” source