If the world wants hard work, the world must pay for it
 Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (1906). copy citation

Author Henry Adams
Source The Education of Henry Adams
Topic work world
Date 1906
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2044/2044-h/2044-h.htm


“This must be taken as background for such little education as he gained; but the life belonged to the eighteenth century, and in no way concerned education for the twentieth. In such an atmosphere, one made no great pretence of hard work. If the world wants hard work, the world must pay for it; and, if it will not pay, it has no fault to find with the worker. Thus far, no one had made a suggestion of pay for any work that Adams had done or could do; if he worked at all, it was for social consideration, and social pleasure was his pay.” source