For some things ignorance is good, and art is one of them.
 Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (1906). copy citation

Author Henry Adams
Source The Education of Henry Adams
Topic ignorance art
Date 1906
Language English


“Among these men, one wandered off into paths of education much too devious and slippery for an American foot to follow. He would have done better to go on the race-track, as far as concerned a career. Fortunately for him he knew too little ever to be an art-critic, still less an artist. For some things ignorance is good, and art is one of them. He knew he knew nothing, and had not the trained eye or the keen instinct that trusted itself; but he was curious, as he went on, to find out how much others knew. He took Palgrave's word as final about a drawing of Rembrandt or Michael Angelo, and he trusted Woolner implicitly about a Turner;” source