Justice is a fine thing, and of all the most necessary; without justice the weak would be harassed every moment of their lives.
 Anatole France, The Gods Are Athirst (1912). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source The Gods Are Athirst
Topic justice life
Date 1912
Language English
Note Translated by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/24010/24010-h/24010-h.htm


“When she heard her son was appointed juryman, she kissed him in a transport of triumph, thinking what an honour it was for both of them and that henceforth they would have plenty to eat every day. "I am proud and happy," she declared, "to be the mother of a juryman. Justice is a fine thing, and of all the most necessary; without justice the weak would be harassed every moment of their lives. And I think you will give right judgment, Évariste, my own boy; for from a child I have found you just and kind-hearted in all concerns. You could never endure wrong-doing and always tried what you could to hinder violence.” source