A murder by sentence is far more dreadful than a murder committed by a criminal.
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot (1874). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source The Idiot
Topic murder criminal
Date 1874
Language English
Note Translated by Eva Martin
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2638/2638-h/2638-h.htm


““This is not my own fantastical opinion—many people have thought the same; but I feel it so deeply that I’ll tell you what I think. I believe that to execute a man for murder is to punish him immeasurably more dreadfully than is equivalent to his crime. A murder by sentence is far more dreadful than a murder committed by a criminal. The man who is attacked by robbers at night, in a dark wood, or anywhere, undoubtedly hopes and hopes that he may yet escape until the very moment of his death. There are plenty of instances of a man running away, or imploring for mercy—at all events hoping on in some degree—even after his throat was cut.” source