A comedy does not end in death, and is usually cheerful and humorous.
 Walter Scott, The Lady of the Lake (1810). copy citation

Author Walter Scott
Source The Lady of the Lake
Topic death comedy
Date 1810
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/28287/28287-h/28287-h.htm


“Tennyson's In Memoriam is a collection of elegiac lyrics. A hymn is a religious lyric. Dramatic poetry presents human life in speech and action. A tragedy is a serious drama which presents its hero in a losing struggle ending in his death. A comedy does not end in death, and is usually cheerful and humorous. The dramatic monologue is a poem in which a dramatic situation is presented, or perhaps a story is told, by one speaker. Satire in verse aims to correct abuses, to ridicule persons, etc. Didactic poetry has the purpose of teaching.” source