A bad life and a good belief are disagreeable and troublesome neighbours, and where they separate, depend upon it, 'tis for no other cause but quietness sake.
 Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759). copy citation

Author Laurence Sterne
Source The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Topic belief quietness
Date 1759
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1079/1079-h/1079-h.htm


“'I will add no farther to the length of this sermon, than by two or three short and independent rules deducible from it. 'First, Whenever a man talks loudly against religion, always suspect that it is not his reason, but his passions, which have got the better of his Creed. A bad life and a good belief are disagreeable and troublesome neighbours, and where they separate, depend upon it, 'tis for no other cause but quietness sake. 'Secondly, When a man, thus represented, tells you in any particular instance,—That such a thing goes against his conscience,—always believe he means exactly the same thing, as when he tells you such a thing goes against his stomach;—a present want of appetite being generally the true cause of both.” source