Nothing is so perfectly amusement as a total change of ideas
 Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759). copy citation

Author Laurence Sterne
Source The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Topic amusement change
Date 1759
Language English


“The same good-will that made me think of offering up half an hour's amusement to Mr.... when out of place—operates more forcibly at present, as half an hour's amusement will be more serviceable and refreshing after labour and sorrow, than after a philosophical repast. Nothing is so perfectly amusement as a total change of ideas; no ideas are so totally different as those of Ministers, and innocent Lovers: for which reason, when I come to talk of Statesmen and Patriots, and set such marks upon them as will prevent confusion and mistakes concerning them for the future—I propose to dedicate that Volume to some gentle Shepherd,” source