In lieu of a rational morality, however, we have rational ethics; and this mere idea of a rational morality is something valuable.
 George Santayana, The Life of Reason (1905). copy citation

Author George Santayana
Source The Life of Reason
Topic ethics morality
Date 1905
Language English


“All that can be hoped for is that the advance of science and commerce, by fostering peace and a rational development of character, may bring some part of mankind nearer to that goal; but the goal lies, as every ultimate ideal should, at the limit of what is possible, and must serve rather to measure achievements than to prophesy them.
but its principle clear.
In lieu of a rational morality, however, we have rational ethics; and this mere idea of a rational morality is something valuable. While we wait for the sentiments, customs, and laws which should embody perfect humanity and perfect justice, we may observe the germinal principle of these ideal things; we may sketch the ground-plan of a true commonwealth.” source