when he is best, he is a little worse then a man, and when he is worst, he is little better then a beast
 William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice (1600). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source The Merchant of Venice
Topic beast good
Date 1600
Language English
Note Written between 1596 and 1599
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2243/pg2243-images.html


“I thinke the Frenchman became his suretie, and seald vnder for another Ner. How like you the yong Germaine, the Duke of Saxonies Nephew? Por. Very vildely in the morning when hee is sober, and most vildely in the afternoone when hee is drunke: when he is best, he is a little worse then a man, and when he is worst, he is little better then a beast: and the worst fall that euer fell, I hope I shall make shift to go without him Ner. If he should offer to choose, and choose the right Casket, you should refuse to performe your Fathers will, if you should refuse to accept him” source