a man who loves with his whole soul, as I do you, is liable to be mastered by his feelings for a moment
 George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss (1860). copy citation

Author George Eliot
Source The Mill on the Floss
Topic love feelings
Date 1860
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6688/6688-h/6688-h.htm


“And when, if I had my own choice, I should ask you to take my hand and my fortune and my whole life, and do what you liked with them! I know I forgot myself. I took an unwarrantable liberty. I hate myself for having done it. But I repented immediately; I’ve been repenting ever since. You ought not to think it unpardonable; a man who loves with his whole soul, as I do you, is liable to be mastered by his feelings for a moment; but you know—you must believe—that the worst pain I could have is to have pained you; that I would give the world to recall the error.” Maggie dared not speak, dared not turn her head. The strength that had come from resentment was all gone, and her lips were quivering visibly.” source