We always end up by having the appearance of our truths. All existence for a man turned away from the eternal is but a vast mime under the mask of the absurd.
 Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus (1942). copy citation

Author Albert Camus
Source The Myth of Sisyphus
Topic appearance truth
Date 1942
Language English
Note Translated by Justin O'Brien
Weblink http://www2.hawaii.edu/~freeman/courses/phil360/16.%20Myth%20of%20Sisyph...


“At the same time, it has no more significance than the continual and imperceptible creation in which the actor, the conqueror, and all absurd men indulge every day of their lives. All try their hands at miming, at repeating, and at recreating the reality that is theirs. We always end up by having the appearance of our truths. All existence for a man turned away from the eternal is but a vast mime under the mask of the absurd. Creation is the great mime. Such men know to begin with, and then their whole effort is to examine, to enlarge, and to enrich the ephemeral island on which they have just landed. But first they must know.” source