To-day, the everyday relationships of men are largely with great impersonal concerns, with organizations, not with other individual men.
 Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913). copy citation

Author Woodrow Wilson
Source The New Freedom
Topic relationship organization
Date 1913
Language English


“To be sure there were the family, the Church, and the State, institutions which associated men in certain wide circles of relationship. But in the ordinary concerns of life, in the ordinary work, in the daily round, men dealt freely and directly with one another. To-day, the everyday relationships of men are largely with great impersonal concerns, with organizations, not with other individual men. Now this is nothing short of a new social age, a new era of human relationships, a new stage-setting for the drama of life. In this new age we find, for instance, that our laws with regard to the relations of employer and employee are in many respects wholly antiquated and impossible.” source