Quote of the day
Woodrow Wilson quotes
“If there are men in this country big enough to own the government of the United States, they are going to own it; what we have to determine now is whether we are big enough, whether we are men enough, whether we are free enough, to take...”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“The question upon which the whole future peace and policy of the world depends is this: Is the present war a struggle for a just and secure peace or only for a new balance of power? If it be only a struggle for a new balance of power, who will...”
Woodrow Wilson
A World League For Peace
“Only free peoples can hold their purpose and their honor steady to a common end and prefer the interests of mankind to any narrow interest of their own.”
Woodrow Wilson
We Must Accept War
“The trouble with the theory is that government is not a machine, but a living thing.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“There must be not only a balance of power, but a community of power; not organized rivalries, but an organized common peace.”
Woodrow Wilson
A World League For Peace
“The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the trusted foundations of political liberty.”
Woodrow Wilson
We Must Accept War
“The question of armaments, whether on land or sea, is the most immediately and intensely practical question connected with the future fortunes of nations and of mankind.”
Woodrow Wilson
A World League For Peace
“The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“Only a peace between equals can last; only a peace the very principle of which is equality and a common participation in a common benefit.”
Woodrow Wilson
A World League For Peace
“The world has been going on. The world has a habit of going on. The world has a habit of leaving those behind who won't go with it.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“The truth is, we are all caught in a great economic system which is heartless.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts”
Woodrow Wilson
We Must Accept War
“I believe, for one, that you cannot tear up ancient rootages and safely plant the tree of liberty in soil which is not native to it.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“But armed neutrality, it now appears, is impracticable.”
Woodrow Wilson
We Must Accept War
“Our object now, as then, is to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world as against selfish and autocratic power and to set up amongst the really free and self-governed peoples of the world such a concert of purpose...”
Woodrow Wilson
We Must Accept War
“If the peace presently to be made is to endure it must be a peace made secure by the organized major force of mankind.”
Woodrow Wilson
A World League For Peace
“So, our honest politicians and our honorable corporation heads owe it to their reputations to bring their activities out into the open.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“It will involve the organization and mobilization of all the material resources of the country to supply the materials of war and serve the incidental needs of the nation in the most abundant and yet the most economical and efficient way possible.”
Woodrow Wilson
We Must Accept War
“In most parts of our country men work, not for themselves, not as partners in the old way in which they used to work, but generally as employees,—in a higher or lower grade,—of great corporations.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
“Every country is renewed out of the ranks of the unknown, not out of the ranks of those already famous and powerful and in control.”
Woodrow Wilson
The New Freedom
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The New Freedom
We Must Accept War
A World League For Peace
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