Human freedom consists in perfect adjustments of human interests and human activities and human energies.
 Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913). copy citation

Author Woodrow Wilson
Source The New Freedom
Topic freedom energy
Date 1913
Language English


“Throw her head up into the wind and see how she will halt and stagger, how every sheet will shiver and her whole frame be shaken, how instantly she is "in irons," in the expressive phrase of the sea. She is free only when you have let her fall off again and have recovered once more her nice adjustment to the forces she must obey and cannot defy. Human freedom consists in perfect adjustments of human interests and human activities and human energies. Now, the adjustments necessary between individuals, between individuals and the complex institutions amidst which they live, and between those institutions and the government, are infinitely more intricate to-day than ever before.” source