Lying is like borrowing or appropriating in music. It is only a good, sound, truthful person who can lie to any good purpose; if a man is not habitually truthful his very lies will be false to him and betray him.
 Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912). copy citation

Author Samuel Butler
Source The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
Topic music purpose
Date 1912
Language English


“Truth consists not in never lying but in knowing when to lie and when not to do so. De minimis non curat veritas. Yes, but what is a minimum? Sometimes a maximum is a minimum and sometimes it is the other way. ii Lying is like borrowing or appropriating in music. It is only a good, sound, truthful person who can lie to any good purpose; if a man is not habitually truthful his very lies will be false to him and betray him. The converse also is true; if a man is not a good, sound, honest, capable liar there is no truth in him. iii Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well. iv” source