Truth consists not in never lying but in knowing when to lie and when not to do so.
 Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912). copy citation

Author Samuel Butler
Source The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
Topic truth lie
Date 1912
Language English


“Perhaps a little bit of absolute truth on any one question might prove a general solvent, and dissipate the universe. xiv Truth generally is kindness, but where the two diverge or collide, kindness should override truth. Falsehood i Truth consists not in never lying but in knowing when to lie and when not to do so. De minimis non curat veritas. Yes, but what is a minimum? Sometimes a maximum is a minimum and sometimes it is the other way. ii Lying is like borrowing or appropriating in music. It is only a good, sound, truthful person who can lie to any good purpose;” source