Honesty consists not in never stealing but in knowing where to stop in stealing, and how to make good use of what one does steal.
 Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912). copy citation

Author Samuel Butler
Source The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
Topic good steal
Date 1912
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6173/6173-h/6173-h.htm


“I am not aware of having borrowed more in the song than what follows as natural development of these two passages which run thus: From the pianoforte arrangement in The Beauties of Purcell by John Clarke, Mus. Doc. Honesty Honesty consists not in never stealing but in knowing where to stop in stealing, and how to make good use of what one does steal. It is only great proprietors who can steal well and wisely. A good stealer, a good user of what he takes, is ipso facto a good inventor. Two men can invent after a fashion to one who knows how to make the best use of what has been done already.” source