Truths from Nature
We must take as many as we can, but the difficulty is that it is often so hard to know what the truths of nature are.
 Samuel Butler, The Note-Books of Samuel Butler (1912). copy citation

Author Samuel Butler
Source The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
Topic difficulty truth
Date 1912
Language English


“Painting is only possible by reason of association’s not sticking to the letter of its bond, so that we jump to conclusions. The Credulous Eye Painters should remember that the eye, as a general rule, is a good, simple, credulous organ—very ready to take things on trust if it be told them with any confidence of assertion. Truths from Nature We must take as many as we can, but the difficulty is that it is often so hard to know what the truths of nature are. Accuracy After having spent years striving to be accurate, we must spend as many more in discovering when and how to be inaccurate. Herbert Spencer He is like nature to Fuseli—he puts me out. Shade Colour and Reputation” source