I am sure that it is a sin for nuns to discuss the private affairs of the Customs officials.
 W. Somerset Maugham, The Painted Veil (1925). copy citation

Author W. Somerset Maugham
Source The Painted Veil
Topic sin
Date 1925
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/64682/64682-h/64682-h.htm


“Kitty shrugged her shoulders. Then, smiling once more, she turned to him lazily.
"Why did you never tell me that you lived with a Manchu princess?"
"What have those gossiping old women been telling you? I am sure that it is a sin for nuns to discuss the private affairs of the Customs officials. "Why should you be so sensitive?"
Waddington glanced down, sideways, so that it gave him an air of shyness. He faintly shrugged his shoulders.
"It's not a thing to advertise. I do not know that it would greatly add to my chances of promotion in the service."