clever men have ideas, and ideas cause trouble; they want men who have charm and tact and who can be counted on never to make a blunder.
 W. Somerset Maugham, The Painted Veil (1925). copy citation

Author W. Somerset Maugham
Source The Painted Veil
Topic tact charm
Date 1925
Language English


“As long as Charlie Townsend's got her to depend on he's pretty safe never to do a foolish thing, and that's the first thing necessary for a man to get on in Government service. They don't want clever men; clever men have ideas, and ideas cause trouble; they want men who have charm and tact and who can be counted on never to make a blunder. Oh, yes, Charlie Townsend will get to the top of the tree all right." "I wonder why you dislike him?" "I don't dislike him." "But you like his wife better?" smiled Kitty. "I'm an old-fashioned little man and I like a well-bred woman."” source