Laxity of morals is a terrible evil, which poisons both mind and body, and which is responsible for a great reduction of the human mass in some countries.
 Nikola Tesla, The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (1900). copy citation

Author Nikola Tesla
Source The Problem of Increasing Human Energy
Topic evil poison
Date 1900
Language English
Reference The Problem of Increasing Human Energy with special references to the harnessing of the Sun's energy, in "Century Illustrated Magazine"


“In keeping our bodies free from infection, healthful, and pure, we are expressing our reverence for the high principle with which they are endowed. He who follows the precepts of hygiene in this spirit is proving himself, so far, truly religious. Laxity of morals is a terrible evil, which poisons both mind and body, and which is responsible for a great reduction of the human mass in some countries. Many of the present customs and tendencies are productive of similar hurtful results. For example, the society life, modern education and pursuits of women, tending to draw them away from their household duties and make men out of them, must needs detract from the elevating ideal they represent, diminish the artistic creative power, and cause sterility and a general weakening of the race.” source