War is a negative force, and cannot be turned in a positive direction without passing through, the intermediate phases.
 Nikola Tesla, The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (1900). copy citation

Author Nikola Tesla
Source The Problem of Increasing Human Energy
Topic war force
Date 1900
Language English
Reference The Problem of Increasing Human Energy with special references to the harnessing of the Sun's energy, in "Century Illustrated Magazine"
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Problem_of_Increasing_Human_Energy


“We have seen recently that even the nobel effort of the man invested with the greatest worldly power has been virtually without effect. And no wonder, for the establishment of universal peace is, for the time being, a physical impossibility. War is a negative force, and cannot be turned in a positive direction without passing through, the intermediate phases. It is a problem of making a wheel, rotating one way, turn in the opposite direction without slowing it down, stopping it, and speeding it up again the other way. It has been argued that the perfection of guns of great destructive power will stop warfare.” source