The price of coal is constantly rising, and the poor are made to suffer more and more.
 Nikola Tesla, The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (1900). copy citation

Author Nikola Tesla
Source The Problem of Increasing Human Energy
Topic suffering price
Date 1900
Language English
Reference The Problem of Increasing Human Energy with special references to the harnessing of the Sun's energy, in "Century Illustrated Magazine"


“A similar inestimable advantage in the saving of energy available to man would be secured by obviating the great waste of coal which is inseparably connected with the present methods of manufacturing iron. In some countries, such as Great Britain, the hurtful effects of this squandering of fuel are beginning to be felt. The price of coal is constantly rising, and the poor are made to suffer more and more. Though we are still far from the dreaded "exhaustion of the coal-fields," philanthropy commands us to invent novel methods of manufacturing iron, which will not involve such barbarous waste of this valuable material from which we derive at present most of our energy.” source