The world of sense intrudes upon our attention day and night for the whole of our lifetime.
 A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God (1948). copy citation

Author A. W. Tozer
Source The Pursuit of God
Topic attention night
Date 1948
Language English


“We habitually think of the visible world as real and doubt the reality of any other. We do not deny the existence of the spiritual world but we doubt that it is real in the accepted meaning of the word. The world of sense intrudes upon our attention day and night for the whole of our lifetime. It is clamorous, insistent and self-demonstrating. It does not appeal to our faith; it is here, assaulting our five senses, demanding to be accepted as real and final. But sin has so clouded the lenses of our hearts that we cannot see that other reality, the City of God, shining around us.” source