The great Reality is God who is the Author of that lower and dependent reality which makes up the sum of created things, including ourselves.
 A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God (1948). copy citation

Author A. W. Tozer
Source The Pursuit of God
Topic reality God
Date 1948
Language English


“All things necessary to his physical existence he apprehends by the faculties with which he has been equipped by the God who created him and placed him in such a world as this. Now, by our definition also God is real. He is real in the absolute and final sense that nothing else is. All other reality is contingent upon His. The great Reality is God who is the Author of that lower and dependent reality which makes up the sum of created things, including ourselves. God has objective existence independent of and apart from any notions which we may have concerning Him. The worshipping heart does not create its Object. It finds Him here when it wakes from its moral slumber in the morning of its regeneration.” source