When political leaders do not demonstrate honesty, when people lie constantly in the media -- everybody get used to 'The Big Lie' as a way of life.
 Frank Zappa, The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989). copy citation

Author Frank Zappa
Source The Real Frank Zappa Book
Topic honesty media
Date 1989
Language English
Weblink http://pierroule.com/ZappaRealBook/TheRFZBook.htm


“So, what's the bottom line here? I would like to see more honesty in business -- at both ends of the table. Honesty in U.S. business appears to be at its lowest ebb in history. There are a number of reasons for that. When political leaders do not demonstrate honesty, when people lie constantly in the media -- everybody get used to 'The Big Lie' as a way of life. At that point, honesty becomes a quaintly outmoded concept -- nobody wants to be honest anymore, because if they are, they might finish last. I would say that today, dishonesty is the rule, and honesty the exception.” source