One becomes a critic when one cannot be an artist, just as a man becomes a stool pigeon when he cannot be a soldier.
 Frank Zappa, The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989). copy citation

Author Frank Zappa
Source The Real Frank Zappa Book
Topic critics soldier
Date 1989
Language English


“, he opted for the 'low road.' "Forget the champagne!" he said, taking a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets out of his shaving kit, stuffing them up the girl, and pouring water in. The results were not the same. CHAPTER 11 Sticks & Stones "One becomes a critic when one cannot be an artist, just as a man becomes a stool pigeon when he cannot be a soldier." Gustave Flaubert (letter to Madame Louise Colet, August 12, 1846) "Definition of rock journalism: People who can't write, doing interviews with people who can't think, in order to prepare articles for people who can't read."” source