People should be encouraged to look after their own self-interest, but avoid inflicting themselves on other people -- especially don't inflict yourself on a schmuck.
 Frank Zappa, The Real Frank Zappa Book (1989). copy citation

Author Frank Zappa
Source The Real Frank Zappa Book
Topic interest self-knowledge
Date 1989
Language English


“Techniques must be developed to enable each of us to escape the other guy's bullshit (just as he wishes to escape ours) . Heaven would be a place where bullshit existed only on television. (Hallelujah! We's halfway there!) People should be encouraged to look after their own self-interest, but avoid inflicting themselves on other people -- especially don't inflict yourself on a schmuck. The guy has already made his choice. Cut the schmuck some slack. Secondhand Smoke I think the whole issue of secondhand smoke as a health hazard is a fantasy, but if someone complains in a restaurant that my smoke is bothering them, I won't smoke near them.” source