people see that they do not give you pleasure when they speak to you
 Stendhal, The Red and the Black (1830). copy citation

Author Stendhal
Source The Red and the Black
Topic pleasure
Date 1830
Language English
Note Translated by Horace B. Samuel


“"Good, but remember that no man of our class can make his fortune except through the great lords. With that indefinable element in your character, at any rate I think it is, you will be persecuted if you do not make your fortune. There is no middle course for you, make no mistake about it; people see that they do not give you pleasure when they speak to you; in a social country like this you are condemned to unhappiness if you do not succeed in winning respect." What would have become of you at Besançon without this whim of the marquis de la Mole? One day you will realise the extraordinary extent of what he has done for you, and if you are not a monster you will be eternally grateful to him and his family.” source