It is only right that artists should be made much of by society and treated differently from, let us say, merchants.
 Anton Chekhov, The Seagull (1896). copy citation

Author Anton Chekhov
Source The Seagull
Topic society artist
Date 1896
Language English
Reference The Seagull, Act I
Note Translated by Marian Fell


“You have kept your looks magnificently, and women still like you. DORN. What are you trying to tell me? PAULINA. You men are all ready to go down on your knees to an actress, all of you. DORN. [Sings] "Once more I stand before thee." It is only right that artists should be made much of by society and treated differently from, let us say, merchants. It is a kind of idealism. PAULINA. When women have loved you and thrown themselves at your head, has that been idealism? DORN. [Shrugging his shoulders] I can't say. There has been a great deal that was admirable in my relations with women.” source