Life must be represented not as it is, but as it ought to be
 Anton Chekhov, The Seagull (1896). copy citation

Author Anton Chekhov
Source The Seagull
Topic life
Date 1896
Language English
Reference The Seagull, Act I
Note Translated by Marian Fell


“What beautiful stories he writes! TREPLIEFF. [Coldly] I have never read any of them, so I can't say. NINA. Your play is very hard to act; there are no living characters in it. TREPLIEFF. Living characters! Life must be represented not as it is, but as it ought to be; as it appears in dreams. NINA. There is so little action; it seems more like a recitation. I think love should always come into every play. NINA and TREPLIEFF go up onto the little stage; PAULINA and DORN come in.” source