Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Study!
 Anton Chekhov, The Steppe (1888). copy citation

Author Anton Chekhov
Source The Steppe
Topic darkness ignorance
Date 1888
Language English
Note Translated by Constance Garnett
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Steppe


“Or when the circuit court comes and one has to take the oath, all the other priests are shy, but I am quite at home with the judges, the prosecutors, and the lawyers. I talk intellectually, drink a cup of tea with them, laugh, ask them what I don't know, . . . and they like it. So that's how it is, my boy. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Study! It's hard, of course; nowadays study is expensive. . . . Your mother is a widow; she lives on her pension, but there, of course . . ." Father Christopher glanced apprehensively towards the door, and went on in a whisper:” source