Children never forget injustice. They forgive heaps of things grown-up people mind
 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out (1915). copy citation

Author Virginia Woolf
Source The Voyage Out
Topic injustice mind
Date 1915
Language English


“I've never suffered so much as I did when I was a child." "Why?" she asked. "I didn't get on well with my father," said Richard shortly. "He was a very able man, but hard. Well—it makes one determined not to sin in that way oneself. Children never forget injustice. They forgive heaps of things grown-up people mind; but that sin is the unpardonable sin. Mind you—I daresay I was a difficult child to manage; but when I think what I was ready to give! No, I was more sinned against than sinning. And then I went to school, where I did very fairly well;” source