It is impossible for human beings, constituted as they are, both to fight and to have ideals.
 Virginia Woolf, The Voyage Out (1915). copy citation

Author Virginia Woolf
Source The Voyage Out
Topic fight ideals
Date 1915
Language English


“You play very nicely, I'm told, and I've no doubt you've read heaps of learned books." Elderly banter would no longer check her. "You talk of unity," she said. "You ought to make me understand." "I never allow my wife to talk politics," he said seriously. "For this reason. It is impossible for human beings, constituted as they are, both to fight and to have ideals. If I have preserved mine, as I am thankful to say that in great measure I have, it is due to the fact that I have been able to come home to my wife in the evening and to find that she has spent her day in calling, music, play with the children, domestic duties—what you will;” source